Truework is a platform that enables your verifier and your HR team to automate verifications of employment. This means that when your employment and income data is being verified, your verifier will submit their request via Truework. If required to complete a verification, Truework will send you an email inviting you to share your information with the appropriate party by connecting to your payroll account. Note that your verifier will also be notified when we send an email your way.
If you are expecting an email, but have not received one, confirm with your verifier that they provided Truework with the correct email address when submitting their verification requestion.
We invite employees to connect to their payroll accounts because this makes it possible for us to instantly complete a request and get you approved for your loan. Click here for instructions on how to get connected quickly!
*Note: This process does not apply if your employer uses Truework. In that instance, click here to learn more.